Team members at a local vets have taken time out to 'recharge' with some unusual methods.

Staff at Cave Vetinary Specialists, which is based in West Buckland, have been winding down in 'sound baths' while other have been taking part in reiki shamanic drumming sessions.

Nele Van den Steen, clinical director at Cave, said: “The team at Cave organised a sound bath event for all colleagues to attend. 

“As a business, we are keen to focus on employee welfare and encourage relaxation. The sound bath was fully booked and we received really positive feedback.” 

More recently, the reiki shamanic drumming session allowed Cave team members to let off steam and get a deeper understanding of the workings of the mind, body and emotions. 

Amy Gardiner, senior medicine nurse at Cave, who has helped spearhead the wellbeing drive at the popular animal hospital, said: “We love looking after our patients and helping them get better, but we also need to remember to look after ourselves so we can continue to offer a first-class service. 

 “It’s great that we can offer these sessions to our colleagues who give so much in making our popular animal referral hospital the success that it is. 

“Taking time out, such as with the sound bath and reiki shamanic drumming session, provides an uplifting escape for them so they can return to patient care fully refreshed and focused.”