COUNCILLORS have decided against looking into the possibility of buying a property in Wellington.
Somerset Council had asked Wellington Town Council if it would be interested in buying 55 North Street.
The property has been used recently as a temporary home for the library before it moves back into its usual home in Fore Street following a £900,000 revamp.
But councillors said “thanks, but no thanks” when they discussed the opportunity at their town council meeting on Monday (September 2).
Town clerk Dave Farrow explained that Somerset Council wanted to give the town council “first dibs” on making an offer or “otherwise it would go up for auction with an asking price of £300,000.”
The property at 55 North Street, also known as Northfield House, is surplus to requirements at Somerset Council and it is looking to sell it off in order to bring in some much-needed revenue for the cash-strapped authority.
Cllr Mark Lithgow said: “It’s got quite a big footprint of land and it would be nice to have, but in today’s austerity I just don’t think we can afford it.”
Cllr Sean Pringle-Kosikowsky added: “It would make a cracking home for somebody, but I don’t think it’s an asset for us.”
While Cllr Justin Cole quipped that it could be used for public toilets – a tongue-in-cheek reference to the recent protracted discussions about the planned new loo facilities in Longforth Road.
It was said that Northfield House had historical importance as it was the home of the workhouse manager in the 1800s.