POLICE are investigating after Wellington’s Baptist Church was allegedly burgled over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.

A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset Police appealed to the public to come forward with information which could assist their inquiries. In a statement they said: “Enquiries are being carried out following a burglary at Wellington Baptist Church that was reported to us over the bank holiday weekend.

“We understand entry to the church, in South Street, was forced at some point between 1pm on Sunday, March 31, and 10am on Monday. April 1.

“Anyone with information about the burglary is asked to contact us via our website or on 101 quoting reference number 5224082646.”

The church’s Reverend, Sam Griffiths, took to social media in the aftermath of the break-in to appeal for help to repair what he said were a number of doors which had been broken down.

The news of the church raid, which came on one of the most holy dates in the Christian calendar, was met with shock by local residents.

Commenting on a local Facebook group, one resident said: “So sorry to read this, I am shocked. To abuse a church like that sickens me.”

Another branded the attack as ‘mindless’, commenting: “So disappointing, mindless behaviour in such a beautiful Grade II listed building.”

It is understood that significant damage was caused to the building, but that nothing of value was stolen in the burglary.

The church’s ‘warm refuge’ service which provides food and shelter to those in need will continue as planned.