A Rockwell Green woman is seeking permission to convert her outbuilding into a dog grooming venue.

Courtney Sellick has submitted a proposal to convert her 14.5 square metre outbuilding, which is currently used for storage, into a salon for dogs.

Ms Sellick already works as a dog groomer, and says she is looking to set up a business from her home address to accommodate increased demand for her services.

She said a new salon would also serve local residents well, with other salons in the area said to be approaching capacity. Ms Sellick said if residents were unable to have their dogs groomed, there could be a risk to the welfare of some animals:

"With Rockwell green expanding with the new housing estates just outside, there is a growing demand for dog grooming in this area. There already are very few salons up in Wellington, all of which get booked up months in advance, most turning away any new customers. This means the growing population is struggling to get their dogs to a groomer which can result in serious health implications for these animals and puts their welfare at risk.

"More people are being turned away from groomers and end up at the Vets for emergency mat shaving, nail clipping, skin irritations, parasite infestations and much more serious conditions. This is taking up valuable vet appointments for issues that can be resolved by regular grooming appointments."

The outbuilding was originally erected for use as a bar to host family parties. It was built using 'sound proof' insulation, Miss Sellick said, pre-empting concerns over potential noise pollution. If given the go ahead, a new UPVC window will be installed, alongside two new UPVC doors.

Miss Sellick told planners she believed, if approved, her salon would be a boon to the local area. She said: "I believe my salon will be a beneficial addition to our community, as mentioned I plan to specialise in anxious dogs which none are yet to offer.

"Currently working outside of Wellington, I have already been told by my existing customers that this offer is really important for them and will follow my business to Wellington – this draws more potential customers to our local shops/ cafes that our town has to offer whilst they wait for their dog to be groomed, as a result producing more money into our local economy."