Councillors are set to discuss how to commemorate a historic visit to Wellington by a famous writer who was harassed by beggars through the town.

Three hundred years ago Daniel Defoe, famed for penning the famous novel Robinson Crusoe, arrived in Wellington on a tour across the United Kingdom.

Wellington was Defoe's first stop in Somerset, having entered from Devon after setting off in Land's End. Upon his arrival the writer was immediately beset upon by beggars.

Defoe tossed some coins to the crowd - but far from dispersing them, it grew their ranks as more beggars began to emerge from the woodwork. In his diary he recounted the incident:

"I entered the county, as I observed above, by Wellington, where we had the entertainment of the beggars. It was as if the whole town had come out into the street."

Attempting to escape the throngs of panhandlers Defoe kicked his horse into a gallop to make a quick escape from the town:

"They ran after us through the whole street and a great way out of the town. We were glad to ride as fast as we could through the town to get clear of them."

Defoe soon arrived in Taunton, which he described as ' large, wealthy, and exceedingly populous' and had altogether a lot more, and better things to say about it.

The town council is now considering what sort of event could be put on to remember Defoe's infamous visit. Potential events could include a re-creation of the event, with a rider travelling through town with 'beggars' in tow - a screening at the Wellington Film Festival, or a pantomime performance.

Born in 1660 Daniel Defoe remains one of England's most famous writers. He wrote Robinson Crusoe, the tale of a fictional castaway, in 1719, just a year before his death.

He also some success in business as a merchant - though ultimately found himself in a 'debtors prison' - and worked as a spy embedded in Scotland on behalf of the king.