WELLINGTON Town Council could pull a £35,000 cost-of-living grant scheme after barely any of the money was claimed in ten months.

The fund was established in October of last year when inflation peaked at more than 11 per cent, squeezing household budgets. It was designed to 'support activities relating to the cost of living crisis.'

But almost a year later, just £4,800 has been claimed and spent, leaving £30,200 in the bank. The council are now considering folding the fund into its general reserves, where it will remain earmarked for use in tackling cost of living issues, but feature less prominently as a plank of the council's support strategy.

Just two organisations have received money from the fund, Wellington Baptist Church who were granted £3,000 and Court Fields School Breakfast Club who were awarded £2,792.

The Town Council grant has helped Court Fields School serve over 9,000 breakfasts, with one in four going to the most vulnerable students. The school's business manager, Sally Taylor, told councillors:

"Thanks to the support of Wellington Town Council in funding an additional hour per day for a member of our catering team, we have been able to have a dedicated breakfast staff member, who prepares, serves and greets the students each day. We have also deployed a member of pastoral staff to support students and supervise the club."