COUNCILLORS are to go-ahead with plans to make Wellington Town Council a leading light in the region in the battle against climate change.

Members of the council’s environment and heritage committee agreed on Wednesday (March 13) to sign-up with the Centre for Sustainable Energy.

The CSE will be asked to calculate the town’s carbon footprint, begin to develop an action plan and support community engagement at a cost of £1,140.

The carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual, organisation or community. 

Councillors want to get a general overview of the town’s carbon footprint so they can then draw up a plan to try and do their bit to combat the effects of climate change locally.

The council is serious about its responsibility for trying to tackle climate change – even if in a very local way – and has taken on Stephen Tate as its project officer.

Mr Tate said: “This council could lead the way on this for other towns in the region.”

Councillors said it was important to find out the baseline carbon output for the town based on residential and transport factors.

Cllr Mark Lithgow said: “We have to have a baseline of our carbon footprint and once we know that we might be able to do something. We need to get on with it rather than talk it to death.”

Cllr Catherine Govier recommended they commission the support of the Centre for Sustainable Energy.