HEALTH chiefs are encouraging people to take early steps to get ready for winter and ensure they stay safe throughout the season.
Cold weather is a major risk factor for falls and traffic accidents, and it can also aggravate existing health conditions, particularly respiratory disorders.
Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group says it is therefore important that residents look after themselves and each other by making preparations now.
GP Dr Ed Ford, the group’s chairman, said: “Winter can be an especially difficult time for people, especially for those living with long-term conditions, the elderly and people living with disabilities. It is therefore important that those who are able to help those who are less capable do so.
“There are some simple things we can all do to help everyone stay well this winter. For example, make sure that elderly or vulnerable friends and relatives are keeping their home warm – at least 18 degrees – have enough food in the house and are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather.”
He said the risk for those living alone was higher still, and urged anyone who has an elderly neighbour living alone to check in on them every now and then: “Just a quick chat is all that’s needed.”
Dr Ford added: “At the first sign of a winter illness, whether it be a cough, cold or a sore throat, don’t suffer in silence – go to the local pharmacist for advice. Pharmacists are clinically trained and can offer expert advice and recommend a range of over-the-counter treatments and remedies.
“And if they think someone needs to see a nurse or doctor, they’ll say so.” He recommended the flu jab as the easiest way to make sure of staying well this winter. It is free to everyone aged 65 years or over or is pregnant, has certain medical conditions, lives in a long-stay residential care home or other long-stay care facility, receives a carer’s allowance or is the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if they fall ill.
“Children in primary school, children aged between two and three and children over the age of six months with a long-term health condition are also eligible for the flu jab.
“I’d encourage anyone who meets the criteria above – or whose children or loved ones meet the criteria – to talk to their GP practice or pharmacist for more information about how they can get their free flu jab.
“Frontline health and social care workers are also eligible to receive the flu jab. Together with our health and care partners across Somerset we’ll be encouraging all eligible staff to have the flu jab this year – to help us all stay well this winter.”