FRESH progress has been made towards rebuilding public toilets in Longforth Road after councillors agreed in principle to the new block’s design.

At a meeting of the policy and finance committee of Wellington Town Council on Monday, May 13, members agreed a new design which they hope will be finalised within two months.

The proposals would see the toilets contain three cubicles, including an accessible toilet with baby changing facilities, and a storage area with a loading bay outside.

The design will now go to project managers at Exeter firm Ravenslade Ltd, which was appointed to oversee the reconstruction last April.

The council is hopeful a final design - and its estimated cost - will be returned to them for consideration within eight weeks.

The toilets have been closed since December 2022, after being crashed into by a BMW car which left the building unstable.

A cordon around the site was in place until April 2024 when contractors moved in to demolish the block in readiness for fresh construction.

Citing potential complications around planning permission, Wellington Town Council did not put a timescale on the project, which has already proved controversial.

In April councillors raised concern over what they dubbed the “horrendous” cost of replacing the bulldozed toilets, which to date have not been disclosed to the public.

Cllr Andy Govier, speaking on April 17, said: “I do fear about the costs.”

Cllr Mark Lithgow added: “The prices I have heard mentioned previously have horrified me.”

The council continues to await a settlement from the insurance companies involved.