A 72-hour strike by junior doctors has forced Somerset hospitals to cancel and reschedule hundreds of procedures.

New data from the Somerset NHS foundation trust, which manages Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, has shown a total of 862 elective procedures were cancelled at their hospitals during the three-day walkout.

Up to 135 junior doctors downed tools at NHSSFT hospitals as part of a national dispute between the government and trade unions over pay and conditions.

The British Medical Association, which represents junior doctors, said: "Junior doctors have experienced a cut of more than 25% to their salaries since 2008/09. 

"The lack of investment in wages by the Government has made it harder to recruit and retain junior doctors. This puts further pressure on the NHS and makes it harder to deliver care to the standards expected by professionals."

Nationally the stoppages caused 175,000 appointments to be cancelled. With the strike concluded the BMA has agreed to reconvene negotiations with the government.

The return to the table comes after the government agreed a wage increase for nurses of between 5.5% and 9.3%, with a one-off cash payment worth over £1200.