Wellington Town Council has launched a major consultation which it says will help shape their plans for years to come.

Working in partnership with Somerset County Council, Wellington Town Council is surveying residents across a wide range of issues, including access to services, the cost of living crisis and climate change.

A spokesperson for the town council said: "We are in a period of significant change for our community.  Our town is growing rapidly with more housing and other developments and more to come, many of the challenges brought about by the pandemic are still with us, we are experiencing a cost of living crisis which is impacting on everyone and we are about to see the biggest restructuring of local government in Somerset for 50 years.

"As a result of all of this the role of the Town Council is changing  and it is even more important that it has a good understating of its community, how it can support it and how it can make Wellington a fantastic place to live and work.

"This survey builds on the Place Plan consultation undertaken by Somerset West and Taunton Council recently and looks in more detail at what our community is, what’s important to people and what support they might need.  This will enable the Town Council to plan its development in the context of a changing environment."

The survey can be completed online here. Alternatively a paper copy of the survey can be picked up from the Town Council offices or at the library. The consultation will conclude on March 31, with the results set for publication in July.