A pub on the Blackdown Hills which twice burnt to the ground has launched a bid to convert its surviving skittle alley into holiday lets.
The former Merry Harriers pub by Forces Cross was destroyed in 2016 by fire, and subsequently levelled, had previously won permission to rebuild the pub in 2017.
However the development did not commence on the two and a half acre site, leaving the permission to expire. But now the owners are submitting proposals to planners which if approved would see a skittle alley on the site converted to provide holiday accommodation.

Agent for the application, Mr Simon Runnings, said the work would be necessary "to make the facility more economically viable, and to make best use of the existing building."
The proposals would see the building largely remain in its existing footprint, with a small extension to its north west side. The building would be separated into five en-suite bedrooms for holidaymakers.
The site is now owned by Mr Vowels, of Vowels Park LTD, a Winscombe-based firm which owns a number of residential and holiday parks.

The plans were submitted on October 5, with Somerset Council aiming to reach a decision on whether to give the go-ahead by November 30.