Almost two months on from arrests in connection with a stabbing at Roly Poly Green, Wellington, police have said 'it takes time before charges can be brought.'

Following the stabbing which took place in the early hours of May 29, three youths were arrested as part of an investigation and bailed shortly afterward. None have been charged.

The attack was filmed by a gang of teenagers and the video was later shared on social media. The video, which has been seen by police, appears to show an assailant striking at the victim with several names being called out over the duration of the assault.

No charges have yet been brought against anyone - a delay which police objected to being characterised as 'a failure'.

A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset said it would be inaccurate to describe the investigation as a failure as it remains ongoing.

In a statement, they said: "This is a complex investigation and this is being conducted by specialist detectives from our CID team.

"They are carrying out a full and thorough investigation including following lines of inquiries, many of which were provided by members of the public responding to our appeals, including identifying potential witnesses, forensic evidence, house-to-house inquiries, and trawling through CCTV.

“We remain in contact with the victim, who is now recovering at home, and update him on the progress of the case.

"An investigation of this nature takes time, every aspect must be looked into, and criminal standard met before charges can be brought.

“We understand the concerns of the community and want to reassure them this is not uncommon for an investigation of this nature.

"The three individuals who were arrested and released on bail have several conditions imposed on them, this includes not being allowed to associate with each other, the victim, or any witnesses.

"They are also prohibited from entering the area and have a curfew to their address, which is not in Wellington.

“We are unaware of any similar incidents of this nature and the investigators are working with the neighbourhood policing team to keep the public safe and bring the offenders to justice.

"Anyone with any concerns can contact the neighbourhood team who will be happy to help.”

The statement follows residents approaching the Wellington Weekly to raise concerns that there had been no charges brought in connection with the attack, which took place just 400 yards from Wellington Police Station.