The Church of St John the Baptist in Wellington is set to host a Spring fair fundraiser on Saturday March 19.

The fair is scheduled to take place on the day before Mothering Sunday, and is planned to be a family friendly affair.

The event, which will be hosted on church grounds, will feature independent stallholders, light lunches, refreshments, and children's games. It will begin at 10 30 am and go on to around 2 pm.

Sue Rackley, a member of the Parochial Parish Council told the Wellington Weekly that bacon baps and halloumi baps would be on offer for lunch, and that there may even be the choice of gluten free buns.

Attendees will also be availed of a selection of homemade cakes and biscuits, baked by members of the congregation.

As well as offering a nice day out, the event aims to raise funds for St John's church. The running costs of the church are said to be £250 a day.

The upcoming fair follows an Autumn fair hosted by St John's Church which was reported to have been a success . Ms Rackley said: "We've got something for every age group. Come along, meet some new people and have a nice morning."