The fire brigade have called on drivers to be considerate after a Wellington fire crew were delayed by double parked cars.

Local fire fighters were en route to assist ambulance workers gain entrance to a property when their truck became slowed by cars parked on both sides of a road.

The incident prompted the service to issue guidance on social media, and warning that obstructing emergency workers is a criminal offence.

A spokesperson for Wellington FIre Station said: "Crews were called on Saturday night to assist South Western Ambulance Service to gain entrance to a property.

"Our response time was slowed by parked vehicles. Fortunately the patient was not seriously ill this time."

Drivers were reminded to:

  • Park close to the kerb
  • Leave enough space for a fire engine or an ambulance to pass
  • Leave extra room near tight corners
  • Fold in your wing mirror

The difficulty navigating the town's tight roads has been exacerbated by new kit on the station's engines, known as a medium rescue pump.

After crews almost became blocked in a similar incident in April, a spokesperson appealed for more space to be made on the roads by drivers, citing the new pump as putting an extra premium on space. A spokesperson said at the time:

"Our new MRP pump is slightly bigger than the previous one which makes it slightly more difficult navigating some roads where cars are parked on both sides of the road."

Obstructing emergency vehicles is a criminal offence and could result in a fine of up to £5,000.