Residents of a small country town have reacted with fury to fresh double yellow lines and the return of a traffic warden.

Wiveliscombe residents took to Facebook to complain, after Town Cllr Dave Mansell announced the tough new rules on the social media platform. He warned residents 'not to take the risk', announcing: "Please be aware there will be traffic wardens in Wivey to enforce the newly repainted yellow lines in the town centre, including The Square.

"...Parking in The Square has long caused problems and congestion in the town centre, especially when it has blocked access needed to dropped kerbs and when close to the corners and turnings.

"These problems have often been worse when the yellow lines were too faded to allow for enforcement. Now the lines are refreshed, traffic wardens will be able to issue parking tickets and will be visiting again. Please do not risk a fine."

But the news prompted a mixed response from residents, some of whom reacted furiously to the restrictions and threat of sanctions. One commenter said: "The car parks are brim full 90 per cent of the time, don't panic though I'll get my 70 year-old parents to walk from the farm four miles away."

One resident drew agreement when they commented the move would 'kill the town' with another saying: "Exactly, sad that people think a tiny country town like this needs double yellow lines and enforcement!"

Others criticised the painting of the lines, branding the job 'childlike' and 'unprofessional.' In a number of places the lines appeared to fail to follow the curvature of the road, looking jagged and bent.

However the move was welcomed in some quarters with one resident saying it would be a great help to his disabled wife. He commented: "When my disabled wife has to park in Croft Way due to people without blue badges parking outside the Co-Op - using her walking stick is the hill she nearly dies on - least of all having to go down the steps carrying shopping back to the car."

It appeared some road users were not complying with the lines on Monday, with one resident reporting they saw a car with 'yellow tyres' - having allegedly parked on the double yellows before the paint was even dry.