IT WAS a pretty terrific weekend for Wellington Bowling Club. The Ladies' teams won, the Men's A team won and the Men's B team won as well.

Three ladies' teams played at home in the SBA Somerset South League against Ilminster ladies.

Ilminster's ladies have played very well recently and came along full of high hopes of a good win.

However on rink 3, one of their teams was in for a shock. In the first end Lisa Dart, Janet Moore and skip Gill Groves picked up a huge 5 shots and went on to gain a splendid 25-9 win.

The games on the next rink was very different. After ten ends Pat Bridger, Angie Moore and skip Christine Willcocks found themselves ten shots down. The Ilminster trio held 14 to Wellington's 4. 

Then Christine's team got down to some serious bowling and came very close to catching up. The final score was a victory for Ilminster by one shot 16 – 15.

Tracey Richbell, June Anderson and skip Marguerite Nichols played an excellent game against strong opponents.

After 16 ends and with only two more to go, the teams were level on 14 shots each. 

An exciting last two ends ended with Ilminster's ladies winning by three shots 17 – 14.

When all three games had been played it was the Wellington ladies who were the victors, winning overall by a 54 shots to 42.

Wellington's Men's A teams went to Watchet to play against their B team in the South West 1 Division. Both Watchet's A and B teams are very strong units so everyone was excited to see the end result.

Darren Sparks, Henry Richbell, Graham Brown and skip Paul Kelly all bowled very well and came through their game with a comfortable win by 19 shots to 9.

Pete Nichols, Eddie Dilley, Jay Merrell and skip Phil Ellis played some excellent bowls which took them to a very convincing victory by 33 shots to 11.

Mike Copping, Roger Murphy, Nick Channon and Mike Groves made it three out of three following a close game which they won in the end 23 – 15.

In the South West 2 Division, Wellington were at home against Victoria Park.

Ernie Windsor, Kevin Austin, Dave Bridger and skip Andrew Baird had a good win on their rink by 25 shots to 12.

Mike Connor, Alan Moore, Richard Whiting and skip Steve Lovell were in superb form capturing 40 shots to their opponents' 13.

On the last rink, Will Smith, Phil Wiggan, Mark Bond and skip Ken Brown had a battle on their hands against strong opposition but they came through in the end by one shot, 17 – 16.

The final score was an excellent overall victory for Wellington by 82 shots to 41.