WELLINGTON Bowling Club are holding an Open Day on Sunday, May 26 (11a.m. to 3p.m.).

The club are hoping as many people as possible willl turn up for the event. There will be six free lessons for new bowlers. Enquiries to Graham (01823 660978).

Meanwhile, Wellington’s A and B sides were both away to Yeovil teams. Darren Sparks, Henry Richbell, Graham Brown and skip Paul Kelly's A side were taken aback when their Westland Sports opponents picked up a huge five shots in the very first end. But they got their own back straight away with five shots in the second to make it 5 all!

Things began to settle down after that and both sides played more steadily but Paul Kelly's team proved they were stronger and fought their way through to a comfortable 24 – 15 victory. Eddie Dilley, David Bridger, Jay Merrell and skip Phil Ellis played really well and picked up a good win on their rink, collecting 27 shots to their opponents' 19.

On the third rink, Mike Copping, Andrew Pearce, Nick Channon and skip Mike Groves lost their way a little early on and had a fight on their hands to get back into the game. With only one more end to play they needed to pick up two shots so that Wellington managed a tie overall. They did win the end but only by one shot which wasn't quite enough. The final score was Westside 30 shots to Wellington's 12.

So Westland Sports managed to win overall by just one shot, 64 - 63 but this was a game which was a credit to both sides.

Wellington B side played Yeovil C team in the Men's League which allows up to four ladies to be included in the lower leagues.

Will Smith, Phil Wiggan, Lynda Manning and skip Mike Connor set off at a good pace but the Yeovil side came back at them hard and a long battle ended with a close win for Wellington by one shot 19 – 18. Tracey Richbell, Kevin Austin, Gill Groves and skip Ken Brown bowled well against strong opposition and held it together until the end, winning 23-17.

Ernie Windsor, Trevor Jenkins, Angie Moore and skip Alan Every had a difficult job on their hands. Their opponents played well and although Alan Every's four put up a good fight the end result was 32-13 to Yeovil. It was a result which cost Wellington the match, but Yeovil must be given credit for the way they played against Alan's team who fought to the very end.  The overall result was Yeovil C 67, Wellington B 55.