ROCKWELL Green Shortmat Bowls Club made the short trip to Langford Budville for a six-mat friendly against  Kingsmead.

Things started badly for the Green's Joy, John St & Reg against Steven, Paul G & Mike G. The Green's one & only shot came in the 5th end with the Kingsmead trio racking up shots at will,  for a 23-1 drubbing of the Greens trio.

Things were a little better for Bill, John Y & Mike R  matched with David C, Doug & Vickie to be only 4-3 down after 5 ends. Then Kingsmead piled on the pressure to win by 9-4.

Sid, Cass & Bob met Hannah, Paul M & Martin and were holding their own after 5 ends at 3 apiece, but 3s  on the next two ends enabled Kingsmead to come out on top by 12-4. Rockwell were 45-9 down at the break!

Things did not improve for Joy, John St & Reg against Di ,Hannah & Vickie. The Green trio found themselves 8-1 down and eventually lost 10-4. Green's strongest trio Bill, Mike R, & John Y were outclassed  by John, Paul M & Martin who chalked up a 3-19 victory.

Last up for the Green Sid, Cass & Bob met Steven, Paul Ma & Linda and they slipped to a 8-5 defeat. Kingsmead 81, Rockwell 21.