A SUNNY day was ideal for the annual opening of the green at Wellington Bowling Club which was attended by 80 members,. 

Pearly Queen Madge Covey (101) bowled the first wood of the new outdoor season. Everyone applauded a wonderful lady who has done so much for charity in Wellington. 

Next came the “Spider”. This involved everyone who could bowl standing with one foot in the ditch and bowling as near as possible to the bottle of malt whisky donated by a club member in the middle of the green.

Seventy five bowlers went for it! They all bowled from their awkward position with one foot in the ditch to see who could get nearest and win the whisky. The winner was Alan Moore who was presented with the bottle. Everyone who entered put £1 in the pot which went towards the President's Guide Dogs for the Blind.

After the Spider event everyone took part in bowling games on all rinks of the green and a very enjoyable time was had by all. 

The head greenkeeper Paul Kelly was very relieved that the green did not show any major signs of wear because of all the rain. A quiz raised a further £35 for Guide Dogs for the Blind.