The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for wind covering large parts of the South West.

The warning area covers all of Wellington and West Somerset, where residents have been told to expect high winds and potential disruption.

The winds could also bring delays to rail, air and ferry transport and damage to trees or temporary structures.

Winds are expected to begin at 7 am ion Friday before dying down 12 hours later at 7pm.

In guidance last updated on Thursday morning, the Met Office said:

"Strong winds will develop across southwest England early on Friday, extending northwards through the day to affect parts of Wales.

"Gusts of 35 to 45 mph are likely quite widely for a time, with gusts over 50 mph affecting some coasts and hills, mainly across Cornwall and west Wales.

"This is likely to lead to difficult driving conditions and some disruption given the unusual time of year for such winds. In addition, heavy rain will lead to standing water and spray on roads. Winds are expected to ease through the evening."

For further information visit the Met Office website.