STAFF in a Wellington dementia care home have shown that support for residents need not be limited to what goes on inside the home, by arranging a special jazz-themed outing for retired jazz singer resident Geoff Brown.

Global Music Awards medal winning trumpeter Luis Martelo was already known to residents at Camelot House and Lodge, having performed for them at Christmas last year, and when the activities team saw he was playing for diners at a ‘Jazz Sunday Lunch’ in Taunton’s Castle Hotel they lost no time in contacting Geoff’s wife Rita to suggest a lunch outing for her and Geoff.

They even booked the tickets and sorted transport for the music-mad pair, who were joined for the special occasion by their son Peter.

Rita said: “We had a really lovely day and Geoff so enjoyed hearing Luis play.

“He was involved in the jazz scene for so many years, and really loves live music, so this was a great treat for him – and for me.

“When we celebrated our 62nd wedding anniversary last year the team at Camelot House and Lodge had arranged live music for that occasion as well.

“They totally get how important it is to Geoff, and how happy it makes him.”

Luis Martelo, whose versatility, unique sound, and character make him one of the new generation’s most acclaimed performers, records for many artists and movie soundtracks, including a recent one for Hollywood.

He was a double silver medal winner at the Global Music Awards 2022 for best instrumentalist and best band, and in 2021 for best album with ‘All of Me’ in the jazz category, and was runner-up in the World’s Best Emerging Artist 2021 awards.

Camelot House and Lodge is run by award-winning dementia care provider Camelot Care, which has other homes in Bridgwater, Plymouth, and Yeovil.

More details can be found here.