This morning in Wellington, we're experiencing very cloudy skies with a cool temperature of 7°C.

There's no chance of rain, so you can leave your umbrella at home.

Moving into the afternoon, the temperature will slightly increase to 8°C.

It's going to be a mix of sun and rain, so keep your sunglasses and raincoat handy.

Now, let's look at tomorrow's forecast.

Tomorrow morning, the temperature will be warmer than today at 11°C, and there will be scattered showers.

By the afternoon, the temperature will drop to 8°C and it will be sunny.

So, expect a changeable day with a mix of rain and sunshine.

Looking ahead to the next few days, the general trend shows a constant temperature of 9°C.

There will be a mix of sun and cloud, so it's going to be a typical Wellington day.

Remember to dress appropriately for the changing conditions.

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