An upstairs window in the former E J Teare newsagents in Wellington town centre has fallen out and plummeted into the pavement, 'narrowly missing' a pedestrian.

The condition of the 'eyesore' building has continued to deteriorate, since it was vacated and left empty in 2017.

Repeated instructions by Somerset Council to remedy the condition of the property have been ignored - with the frontage fenced off by the authority after a ground floor window was smashed.

Despite being issued with an an S215 notice to make repairs, the building owners have yet to take action to carry them out. It is understood Somerset Council is now preparing a prosecution against the building owner for failing to comply with its notice.

The falling window was reported to have 'narrowly missed a pedestrian', as it crashed into the ground last week.

Wellington fire fighters were called to the scene, before Somerset Council workers arrived to affix wooden boards across all the first floor windows to secure the building.

The dilapidated building has been a longstanding cause of ire among residents and town councillors, with one local Cllr describing it as a 'horrible blot on the town.' Commenting on the state of the building, Wellington Town Cllr Zoe Barr said: "It is about time something was done about Teare's because it has been a horrible blot on the town centre for so many years now.

"I do not understand why the council could take action so quickly when there were issues in Cornhill but they have been so slow to respond to the anger of local residents and councillors at the awful state of Teare's, which has been much more obvious to everybody."

Somerset Council was approached for comment but did not respond before publication.