A COMMUNITY event is being planned next month for Wellington and surrounding village residents affected by September’s flooding.

People are being invited to drop in to Wellington Football Club any time between 4 pm and 7 pm on Wednesday, November 1.

They will be able to meet staff from Somerset Council’s highways, planning, and housing teams, and officials from the Environment Agency, Somerset Rivers Authority, and Somerset Civil Contingencies Team.

Wellington Town Council staff and councillors will also be attending to hear what local people have to say and how the unitary authority has been helping communities recover from the flooding.

Town clerk Dave Farrow said: “This event is about ensuring that the right support is in place for the residents and community both now and into the future and help inform our planning for dealing with future severe weather events.

“There can also be a general conversation about flood risk and mitigation.

“The event is an opportunity for people’s experiences to be heard, to capture lessons learned, and understand any unmet needs."

The town council is separately next month also meeting some Rockwell Green residents whose homes were flooded in the heaviest rain to fall on the area since July, 1969, to discuss what measures might be taken in future to protect them.

It has also set up a working group to look at how to plan for future flood events and other emergencies, given predictions that climate change will see more such incidents.