WELLINGTON Town Council has entered into an ambitious agreement with The Woodland Trust to plant over 3,000 trees and shrubs in a 64-acre area of land known as The Green Corridor
The first planting days on December 13-14 were successful with more than 30 volunteers managing to plant in excess of 800 trees in a field known as Great Meadow, as part of the Trust’s Woodland Creation Scheme.
Volunteers from far and wide are invited to take part with the next opportunities to plant being on December 21 and 22, from 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm, on both days, with further dates to be confirmed for the new year.

The Woodland Creation Scheme will see two hectares of land throughout the Green Corridor planted with a variety of native tree and shrub species including English Oak, Alder, Beech, Crab Apple, Field Maple and Goat Willow. The Woodland Trust has developed a planting scheme that is designed to enhance what is already in place and protect other aspects of the area.
A total of 75 per cent of the funding for the purchase of the trees, shrubs and guards will be provided by The Woodland Trust, alongside a £2,500 commitment from the town council.
This is a huge project for Wellington that promises to be impactful for years to come as the trees planted by the community grow and flourish.
A council spokesperson said: “We are delighted to have been able to work with The Woodland Trust and partners from the community on the Green Corridor scheme and are grateful for all the work they have done to put it together.
“This, and our own plans for tree planting over the coming years, places Wellington at the forefront of both national and local strategies for improving tree coverage.
“They will enhance biodiversity throughout the town and contribute to delivering our climate change strategy as well as simply making our living environment even more special.”
Volunteers are invited to sign up via www.wellingtontowncouncil.co.uk/greencorridor or show up on the day with a spade at the ready. Signage will be in place to guide people to the planting site.