“Waste less, save more” is the message from Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) as it runs its first ever Somerset Reduce Week later this month.
The awareness week, which starts on Monday 21 November, will highlight ‘reducing’ as a way to both help the environment and save money.
Recycling is great, but reducing our waste is even better, especially at a time when the cost of living is soaring.
And it is never more important than in the run-up to the festive season which traditionally sees volumes of waste surge.
Councillor Sarah Dyke, Chair of the Somerset Waste Board, said: “Most people in Somerset are recycling and that’s something we can be really proud of.
“Now we want to more people to start thinking about reducing and reusing. It’s not about telling people what to do, just encouraging everyone to consider other options that help reduce waste.
“It’s better for the environment and for your finances and that is incredibly important as the cost of living continues to rise.”

Reducing simply means buying less or buying differently to waste less. That could be by:
Throughout Reduce Week SWP will be using its website and social media to share tips and information.
Residents sharing their great ideas for reducing will be entered into a prize draw to win a refurbished laptop or tablet.
Share your ideas - with a photograph – on the @somersetWaste Facebook page or by emailed to [email protected] to get involved.
Activities during the week include:
Monday 21 November - a special edition of the SORTED! e-newsletter (subscribe on the SWP homepage)
Wednesday 23 November - A Facebook Talking Cafe Q&A about reducing, hosted by the community council for somerset.
Saturday 26 November - The Fixy van will be at the Eat Taunton Event promoting repair and reuse as possible options for festive gifts.
For more information visit somersetwaste.gov.uk or @somersetwaste on Facebook.