THE Somerset Local Pantry Network (SLPN) has won FareShare South West’s social impact award for community and sustainability.
The network includes the Local Pantry in Minehead and the Best Before Food Store in Wellington, as well as seven others buying and collecting surplus food to make available to members for a low weekly fee to help feed families, save them money, and reduce food waste.
Food charity FareShare South West launched the awards this year, and SLPN has won the community and sustainability category for the innovative ways it utilises food for community resilience.
An awards evening took place in Bristol, where representatives from Minehead and East Bridgwater area pantries and Somerset Council accepted a glass trophy and certificate on behalf of the whole network.
FareShare South West is also gifting each pantry an electric hand blender.
Somerset executive Cllr Theo Butt Philip said: “What a wonderful result.

“We entered the network into these awards because we know what incredible work the pantries do for their communities.
“Each pantry is run by volunteers, so winning this award demonstrates their commitment to building resilient and sustainable communities, and I am proud they have got the recognition they deserve.
“I would like to thank our council officers who support the SLPN, I know they enjoy working with the pantries and are always there as a helping hand when needed.”
FareShare South West regional head Roni Adjei said: “I would like to laud the innovative way the network of local pantries in Somerset have approached supporting their communities and tackling hunger.
“The achievement of the network so far should form an effective blueprint for other local authorities and community initiatives to follow.”

SLPN is a partnership between Somerset Council, local community groups, and food charity FareShare.
Somerset Council provides initial grant money to fund the launch of a new pantry, but each pantry is independently run by voluntary sector groups.
Earlier this year, Action Against Hunger, another food charity, made a film about the Somerset pantries and highlighted the positive impact they made in their communities.
The film can be viewed here.
Full details of SLPN can be found here.