A LOCAL gas engineer who responded to an urgent callout to rescue a bird trapped inside a chimney has been commended for his ‘Good Friday deed.’

Mark Watts, who lives in Wellington, was contacted by residents Anthony and Monica Waite after they discovered a bird had become trapped in their gas fire chimney.

Mr Watts reportedly suffered a peck to the face from the “aggressive” bird for his troubles, before wrapping it in a tea towel and leading it out of the house.

Mr Waite said: “Mark managed to attend on Good Friday evening despite being caught up in the M5 traffic jam in the Bristol Area.

“Within a few minutes he had eased out the gas fire and could see the bird.  We opened the conservatory doors to give the bird an escape route. Initially, the bird was aggressive, and a sharp peck caused Mark to beat a hasty retreat. 

“My wife grabbed a warm towel from our kitchen Aga and Mark was able to wrap it round the bird which seemed in remarkable shape despite its three-day incarceration.

“Mark took the bird out to the conservatory door, it quickly realised freedom was available and flew off into a neighbour’s garden, seemingly no worse for wear other than being hungry and thirsty.

“Our sincere thanks to Mark for his remarkable Good Friday deed.”

The bird, which Mr Watts said he believed was a racing pigeon, is understood to have flown off in good health after being trapped in the chimney over the Bank Holiday weekend.