Smokers across Somerset are being encouraged to kick the habit this 'Stoptober' - with free resources on hand for people wanting to go smoke-free.

'Stoptober' is a national campaign to get smokers off of cigarettes in (and beyond) the month of October. And Somerset's stop smoking service, Smokefree Somerset, is on hand for people seeking support to stop.

Smokefree Somerset's practitioners will be on hand to deliver a 12-week treatment programme, meeting in person or talking over the phone.

Commenting, Councillor Adam Dance at Somerset Council, said: "We all know that smoking is very harmful to health, but quitting can feel like an impossible challenge – especially if you don’t have any support. You are far more likely to quit with support, which is why we offer a free stop smoking service in Somerset called Smokefree Somerset.  have helped thousands of people across Somerset to successfully kick their habit over the years.

"I know lots of people have probably tried on their own to quit without success, and if that sounds like you, I’d say this: you have nothing to lose by giving the Smokefree Somerset service a go – it won’t cost you anything, and could really change your life for the better. Other smokers are making Stoptober their time to quit, and you can too – you’ve got this!"

For further information visit the Smokefree Somerset website.