IT IS set to become the biggest 'wedding' of the decade in Wellington - and you're all invited.

Les Marke and Beverly Jones, of Crosslands, Wellington, have lived together for 31 years and have two rugby playing sons - Ryan and Ricky.

Some time ago they decided they should get married and tied the knot at Taunton Registry Office before a small group of friends and family last weekend.

Now Les, 63, and Beverly, 48, who are both well known helpers at Friends of Wellington Park’s Sunday shows, want the town to witness the blessing of their marriage.

It will take place in The Park on Sunday, August 13, at 2.30p.m., and the service will be conducted by Jackie Govier.

"Everyone's invited," said Les. "We want it to be a big and happy event - bring a picnic and refreshments.

"We're hoping it will be a nice day and it doesn't rain. It will be great if the sun comes out and everyone can enjoy the occasion."

Rose Hookway, a committee member of Friends in the Park, said: “Les and Bev are invaluable members of our team. They arrive early with their friends and family and help us set up the equipment, chairs and tables, etc, and then enjoy the music before staying on to help us take everything down. They are brilliant.”

Les and Bev have chosen August 13 for the blessing because it coincides with the appearance of Jason Toft, one of the most popular musicians at The Park, who plays 60s, 70s and 80s music.

Les and Bev both work at the Wellington bedding firm of Relyon,