WELLINGTON Pearly Queen Madge Covey celebrated her 100th birthday with family at the Masonic Hall in Taunton on Thursday.

WWN photographer Alain Lockyer and his wife Lesley were invited to join the party and take pictures.

Madge, who served in the WRAF as a cook and butcher, came to live in Wellington from Southampton in 1982 - nine years after her husband Tom died. One of the first things she did was to join the local Conservative Club in High Street and is still an active member today.

She is one of the oldest poppy collectors in the country and helped out with selling programmes for this year’s Wellington Carnival.

Earlier in the week she attended her favourite hairdressers with one of her closest friends Dot Willey who turned 103 in November. The pair, pictured on the front page of this week’s paper, still live on their own.

See more pictures in this week's Wellington Weekly News