Fixy is a new Somerset initiative with a goal of promoting the repair of Broken tech and household items that would otherwise get thrown away. The project is led by Resource Futures Consultancy in partnership with Somerset Waste and Donate-IT.

Every year we throw away millions of tons of electrical waste. In fact the UK produced 1.6 million tonnes of e-waste in 2019 which sets the country to become the biggest e-waste producer in Europe per capita by 2024.

Working alongside already existing repair shops and café’s the Fixy Van, named by the public Fixy Mcfixface, is visiting events, schools and businesses to promote repair, support with tools, and collect smart tech for reuse.

(Tindle News LTD)

It is recorded that the average household keeps 20 unwanted electrical items. Fixy is hoping to give anything with a plug or batteries a new lease of life while also helping people fix things instead of throwing them away. The Fixy van also serves as a collection point for donations and Donate-IT securely data wipe all donations ready for reuse.

(Fixy, Somerset Waste Partnership)

With the current economic climate repairing items is a cheaper alternative to buying new. Nick Cater, Senior Communications Officer for Somerset Waste Partnership said: “This year is Fixys first, and these are challenging times for Wellington’s residents.

“Its work is focused on the repair and reuse of electrical items as a great way to waste less, save money materials and energy, and take action against climate change by giving anything that has stopped working a new lease of life.

“It helps highlight that reuse - giving something another life or another purpose - is     a far better option than discarding or even recycling items.

“It also promotes local repairers in Wellington and elsewhere - from repair cafes to specialist suppliers - and encourages people to get involved in reuse.”

A box of old discarded mobile phones, most of them thrown out to upgrade. (HLundgaard Wikicommons)

The future for Fixy is yet undecided but as more and more local repair shops pop up this can only be a good thing for the service. Mr Cater said: “Nothing has yet been decided but at the end of this year, its work - budget permitting, as always - may broaden to take a wider support role in reuse across Somerset, such as more activities with schools and young people.”

For more information on Fixy visit