THE Year 6 children of St John’s Primary School in Wellington are taking on a fundraising challenge to cycle to the UK’s four capital cities.
In total, the year group is aiming to cycle 2225km to reach each of the UK’s capital cities using exercise bikes. The challenge is providing St John’s students with the chance to learn new skills and fundraise for the bereavement charity 2wish.
The charity provided significant support to the Year 6 class teacher, Mr Foster, when his daughter, Olivia, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at 15 months old in October 2023.
The cycle ‘route’ through these capital cities links to the school’s four houses: St George, St Andrew, St Patrick and St David. It begins at the school in Wellington, with students cycling virtually to London then Edinburgh, over to Belfast, down to Cardiff and then finally arriving back at St John’s Primary School.

The team of Year 6 students hope to achieve their goal in time for Christmas.
A representative of St John’s Primary School said: “This is going to be an incredibly tough challenge, but the Year 6 children are going to attempt to complete this over the next six weeks throughout November and December.
“Along the way, we will be discussing some Geography work, using Maps and discussing landmarks; some Maths work, considering distances and our fundraising total; and some Computing work to organise our fundraising webpage and sharing our story online.”
To find out more about the fundraiser, visit