WELLINGTON Khaki Sox were delighted to welcome Yeovil Whirlwinds to their home field on Sunday for the second game of the season. 

The sun was shining and spirits were high after the 20-6 win against Truro last week. 

Tim Jenkins at KCS Autos was the Game-Day sponsor but he was unfortunately unavailable to throw the Ceremonial Opening Pitch.  Everyone at the club would like to thank KCS Autos for their generous support. 

The game started quickly with runs being scored by both teams in the opening 3 innings. Some mistakes by the Khaki Sox during this period could have built into frustration, but the team work and communication around the field soon turned this into success. 

It was 7-7 going into the 7th of 9 innings - it was an evenly fought battle. Starting pitcher Damien Goodall relinquished his duty to the experienced Halin Rodriguez and with incredible accuracy alongside some fast infield fielding, Whirlwinds were only able to score 1 run. Khaki Sox picked up their bats with determination and a sense of putting their mark on the game. In an innings of good batting, great running and anticipation, Khaki Sox scored a maximum of 5 runs and had a good advantage with 2 innings now remaining. 

Whirlwinds were not going to give up and fought back with a fantastic display at both infield and outfield. A huge congratulations goes to Whirlwinds new recruit #4, who not only stole his first base while batting but also made his first competitive catch deep in the outfield. One to watch out for! Khaki Sox were held without scoring. 

At this point at the top of the final innings, the Whirlwinds needed to score a maximum 5 runs to keep the game alive. Halin Rodriguez didn’t falter and continued to pitch accurately. Balls were hit but the alert infield players were able to gather them and dispatch players at first base. 

This week saw Khaki Sox’ Jamie Cox and George Price take to the field for their first competitive game. They played incredibly well, held their own and we can’t wait to see where their potential takes them this season. 

It was an excellent day and a toe-to-toe battle until the dying moments, with a final score of 13-8 to Wellington. We look forward to travelling to Yeovil later in the season for another fun filled day. 

Wellington Khaki Sox would like to thank Conway Cladding Ltd for supporting the club throughout the 2024 season. With their generosity the club is able to grow and purchase additional equipment and allow newcomers to enjoy the fun of baseball safely. 

Khaki Sox will play Exeter Spitfires in the next round on June 2 in Exeter. 
