THE Blackdown Community Choir, based in Wellington, is looking for a new musical director after Caroline Rigby announced she is leaving at the end of the summer term after six years leading the choir.

She has been a dedicated and enthusiastic leader, and has followed the Natural Voice approach in which anyone can join without an audition.

The choir has a healthy membership of more than 50. As well as singing in the Thursday evening sessions, the choir has taken part in local events such as Wellington Street Fair, Carols under the Stars, Uffculme Green Day and Dunster by Candlelight.

Members have also raised money for charity at their family and friends concerts and taken part in combined choir events in Bristol and Bath.

The choir has enjoyed taking part in a choir exchange and this spring welcomed the community choir from Brecon for a weekend of song and social events.

The new leader is needed from September – more information is available from [email protected] The closing date is Wednesday, April 12.