FEARS over the future of Wellington’s High Street Boots were calmed on Monday, after it was revealed there were no plans for the town centre chemist to make a move.

Some residents had raised concern after a ‘for sale’ sign appeared on the Boots shop front - just days after the Boots chemist on Mantle Street closed its doors.

However concern was assuaged after it was revealed the freehold was up for grabs - not affecting Boots as the lease holding renter of the ground floor space.

Boots has a five year lease which is not set to expire until May 2027, when the Wellington Weekly has been told, it is likely to be renewed. According to Hatfield White, who is managing the sale, five year lease arrangements are common practice in high street settings.

It comes as Boots is in the process of closing 300 stores across the country, with the cuts largely targeted in areas where there is more than one Boots chemist servicing an area.

Boots were contacted for comment but did not respond before publication.