CANADIAN police this week seemed no nearer to catching the men who killed a former Wellington man and ex-Tropiquaria, Washford Cross, employee in a hit-and-run accident 14 months ago.
Marc Ellis, 38, was hit trying to save a stray dog on a rural road in the Abbotsford suburb of Vancouver, where he lived.
Police said he was struck shortly after midnight by a 2019 Dodge Ram pickup travelling on the wrong side of the road which failed to stop.
They released two clips of CCTV showing the vehicle being driven earlier that evening and then the driver and passenger abandoning it further along the road from the collision and running away.

But the vehicle’s local business owner was reported to be un-cooperative with police, who as a result were unable to identify the driver.
Mr Ellis’s mother Leslie, who lives with his sister Jennifer Wheeler in Olands Road, Wellington, flew to Canada for the funeral after friends raised £13,000 with an online appeal.
They took part in a police appeal in December on the anniversary of Marc’s death in which they said his family were still struggling with their sudden loss.
Jennifer said: "You cannot imagine just losing someone that was just a phone call away and suddenly, they are not there anymore.
"Any little piece of information that can help close this case and just help us as a family to have a little bit of closure, we would really appreciate that."
A spokesperson for Abbotsford police said: "Marc exited his vehicle to corral the dog.
“Around the same time, two individuals left a nearby party, driving a red Dodge Ram pickup truck, which later collided with Marc, killing him.

"The driver and passenger were observed on security cameras fleeing the accident on foot, abandoning the vehicle registered to an Abbotsford business.
“Investigators believe that there are persons that still have vital information.
“Marc’s family and police are compelling those persons to come forward.”
As a teenager Mr Ellis lived in Wellington and studied in Cannington College to work with animals before taking a job in West Somerset’s Tropiquaria Zoo.
He later moved to Spain before relocating in 2010 to Canada, where his father Wayne Ellis lives.
Mr Ellis and girlfriend Amanda Wegerek ran a reptile business, Slithers and Critters, specialising in breeding snakes, tarantulas, and geckos.

He was well-known for his work with protection dogs and was a member of the German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada.
Mr Ellis’s step-sister Tamsin Clarke thanked everybody who contributed to the fund-raising, without which she could not have coped with the ‘many unforeseen expenses that come with the sudden loss of a loved one’.
Ms Clarke said: “These past few months have been devastating as we try to understand how such a wonderful young man was taken from this world too soon.
“It has been touching to see the positive impact Marc had on the many people who knew or met him.
“All his beloved animals and reptiles have been rehomed.”