INCREDULITY was expressed this week at a set of metal steps which has been installed on a popular Wellington walk and now blocks the path for people with buggies and mobility scooters.

Network Rail put in the flight of five steps at Westford, where a footpath runs across the Basins and crosses the main railway line to connect to a field recently bought by Wellington Town Council.

The work was carried out while stones on the railway track were being cleaned and replaced as part of a programme which will continue until October.

Wellington county, district, and town Cllr Marcus Barr told the Wellington Weekly: “I could not believe it when I saw what they had done.

“They did not even consult with the town council before they went ahead and did it.

“I do not know how they expect anybody with a buggy is supposed to get across the railway line now.

“It was sort of do-able before because there were a couple of concrete steps which you could just about get up. But now we have a whole flight of steep steps so it means probably two people would have to carry a pushchair or pram to get it up there. There is zero chance of anybody on a mobility scooter getting across.”

A Network Rail spokesman told the WWN: “Metal steps have replaced the previous concrete steps at the Westford level crossing in Wellington to enhance pedestrian safety, increase longevity, and allow for easy maintenance. Handrails have been added and the steps are now positioned further back from the track to eliminate trip hazards and reduce the amount of time pedestrians spend beside the open railway line, further enhancing safety at the crossing.”