Town councillors in Wellington agreed at their latest meeting – held online last week – to investigate adding the name of Private Eleanor Dlugosz to the town’s war memorial in Wellington Park.

The request to add her name had come from Court Fields School acting head teacher Polly Matthews – Eleanor, killed while on active duty in Iraq in 2004, was a student at the school.

It had been suggested that rules prevented an individual’s name being on more than one memorial and as Eleanor’s was already on one in Hampshire this precluded it being added to Wellington’s memorial.

Cllr Andrew Govier said: “I would like to investigate if it is possible to have her name put on there and I would recommend that it is.

“I know at the time her loss had a deep impact on the town – it was the most contemporary of losses we have suffered.”

Cllr Govier will also provide details of another name members felt should be added to the memorial.