WELLINGTON Baptist Church, in South Street, is staging a Christmas concert this week to raise money to improve its facilities, particularly for people with disabilities.

It will be held on Friday, December 1, at 7 pm, and features Paul Roberts, a classical/pop violinist, Tomas Brain, a singer and former student of Wellington School, and the town’s silver band.

Baptist church minister the Rev Sam Griffiths said: “For over a year we have been running the Wellington Warm Place to serve the community of the town.

“The project was established at the height of the gas and electricity utility price rises experienced in 2022 to provide a hot meal for those in our community who could not afford to heat their homes or cook for themselves.

“As a parallel challenge, the high costs of food has meant that many have struggled to afford the very essentials of life.

“We see many different people attend the warm place, those economically challenged, those who are lonely, and those struggling with their mental health.

“We run two modes, winter lunch and supper from 11.15 am to 6.30 pm, and summer lunch from 11.15 am to 2.30 pm.

“None of the above challenges have gone away and the needs are no less in 2023 and will not vanish next year either.

“One of the challenges we have faced in running the warm place is that our infrastructure has struggled to keep up with our needs.

“We desperately need new toilets to serve the warm place and the numerous other activities that take place in our church halls throughout a typical week.

“The church site is very busy and provides a location for majorettes, pilates, samba band, employment hub, training courses and seminars, as well as our own church activities.

“Our new toilets may cost as much as £30,000.

“Please support our efforts to provide these and other fabric up grades and new facilities.”

Paul Roberts is an accomplished local solo violinist who was born in Sierra Leone and suffers from polio and was adopted by missionaries.

He started playing at the age of seven years and has played classical and popular music professionally for the past 18 years.

Tomas Brain is a young singer from the Westcountry who loves ‘suiting up and performing’.

He regularly performs in local pubs and clubs, and has a wide choice of songs from the 60s to the present day.

Wellington Silver Band needs no introduction as they perform in public throughout the year and will soon be in the town centre playing Christmas carols.

Tickets fo Friday’s concert cost £10 and can be obtained from the Baptist church office 01823 663713, or by emailing [email protected], or on the door on the evening.