Drivers could soon be paying more to park in Wellington.

It comes after Somerset Council announced plans to increase prices at the car parks it manages.

The move will see prices at the Longforth, North Street and South Street car parks rise by up to 10 per cent.

It could see the cost of parking a vehicle at Longforth car park rise from £1.10 to £1.21 for an hour.

The increase in prices will take effect across the county, and the council have estimated the hike will raise an extra £726,000.

Somerset Council's car parking services manager Steve Deakin said: "Parking charges and fees are to be increased to reflect recent inflationary pressures and to maintain the encouragement to alternative types of transport to town centres, such as buses, cycling and car sharing.

"The increased charges and fees will enable the council to continue to meet its overall transport objectives without increasing an additional demand on the general expenditure fund."

The council said extra funds raised through the higher prices would be reinvested into parking enforcement.