A MAJOR drainage replacement project starts in Rockwell Green on Monday (September 11) resulting in a temporary road closure and one-way traffic system.
Drainage along Exeter Road between the Dobree Park estate and Popes Lane crossroads has failed in several places, which has resulted in surface water running down the hill and causing ice problems in winter.
The failure was so severe that Somerset Council concluded it was impossible to repair the system and highways contactors therefore needed to replace the drainage system.

The road surface at the crossroads was also recognised as needing to be replaced but the work has had to be postponed to allow the drainage scheme to be carried out first.
The decision to close Exeter Road was taken after the council discovered a gas main it thought was in the verge was instead running along the proposed line of the new drainage system.
The council therefore had to work with Wales and West Utilities to change the design of the project.
Exeter Road will be closed between the Popes Lane crossroads and the Dobree Park estate until the programme ends on Friday, October 6.
The closure will be 24 hours a day, seven days a week, until Monday, September 25, when it will switch to a Monday to Friday programme, with the road being shut between 9.30 am and 3.30 pm daily.
The closure will also be temporarily lifted to allow Wellington Carnival to run normally on Saturday, September 30.
Traffic will be diverted via Wellington Relief Road, while Popes Lane from the Andrew Allen Road junction will be one-way for vehicles travelling out of town toward the A38.
The traffic light-controlled crossroads in Rockwell Green will remain open, apart from the closed section of Exeter Road.

The work will be carried out by the same contractors who were praised by Wellington Town Council for the successful resurfacing of Mantle Street and Hilly Head last month.
A council spokesperson said: “For some time now, the drainage on Exeter Road has needed to be repaired.
“The team are aiming to complete the work as safely and as efficiently as possible.
“We thank everybody in the area for their patience while this short-term closure is in place.”
Details of the diversion are available here.