Rockwell Green's Best Before Food Store is set to celebrate one year of helping residents with their food bills.

The community project will mark a year of operation at an anniversary event on Tuesday, September 19 at the Christian Centre in Rockwell Green.

The Food Store works in partnership with the Somerset Local Pantry Scheme, local churches and the community to provide its members with cut price food bundles.

Running every Tuesday afternoon from 3 pm to 5pm at the Christian Centre, it provides between £15 and £20 worth of food to members for just £4.

The scheme is made possible by the charity FareShare, which distributes surplus food to groups around the country.

The group are also supported by generous Wellington residents who make donations via their basket at the entrance to Asda.

Since opening the Food Store has helped support nearly 70 families to enjoy affordable food.

Paula Appleby, Project Manager for the scheme said: “Our 1st year anniversary will not only be an opportunity to celebrate, but also to thank the many people who are involved who have contributed so much to make the project a success.

“We have a team of nearly 30 wonderful volunteers without whom the scheme would not be able to run.  We are always looking for new people to join the team.  At the moment we particularly need help with publicity, marketing and administration.

"As the digital café starts, we will also need volunteers who are able to help with computer skills at a basic level.  Together we want to provide a service that builds the local community and helps people in these difficult economic times.”