TOWN centre residents and businesses in Wellington have been warned they face their water being cut off at times next month.
Wessex Water has written to property owners to tell them it plans to carry out ‘essential work’ on the town’s water supply network.
It said the period of disruption would last from 10 pm on Monday, June 19, and continue all week until 4 pm on Friday, June 23.
Flushing team leader Andrew Sherring said: “There may be very short interruptions to water supply or change in water pressure.
“You may also see some discolouration, which is perfectly normal when pipework is disturbed.

“Where possible, we will carry out the work at night to minimise these disruptions.
“Any interruption to your water supply will be for a short period but you may wish to store some water in advance for washing hands.”
Mr Sherring said people should check for discolouration by running the cold water tap closest to their internal stop tap, which was usually the one at the kitchen sink.
He said: “Clearing discolouration at this point will prevent it from travelling to other taps and appliances within the property.
“Although discoloured water is not a cause for concern, you may prefer not to use it for drinking or cooking.
“If no water flows when you turn on your tap, be sure to turn it off again ready for when the supply is restored.”
Mr Sherring said people might want to store some fresh water in their refrigerator each day just in case their supply was cut off.
He said Wessex Water staff should not need to enter anybody’s property, but if they did then all employees carried identification which should be shown before doing so.
Mr Sherring said advice was also available online by visiting